an 800 mt strip
in the heart of Umbria
an 800 mt strip
in the heart of Umbria
an 800 mt strip
in the heart of Umbria
an 800 mt strip
in the heart of Umbria
For maximum support, we suggest that pilots telephone us in advance or contact us by radio (Freq. 130.00 MHz) prior to their arrival.
Owner / Manager: Marco Silenzi
+39-075-8540712 +39-339-2503451 E-Fax: +39-06-233205481
Download document 'GENERAL AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION (Rel. 1.0 - 06.03.24)'›
Technical data
ICAO Airport Code (Location Indicator):
LIAL (Lima, India, Alfa, Lima)
Name: Sant'Illuminato Airfield (Greenfield) - PG07-8
Location: Città di Castello - Bonsciano Fraction
Coordinates: 43°21'05" Nord – 12°12'53" Est
Runway Orientation Airfield: (04/22)
Type: Grass, 800x 25 meters (*)
Dimension: 800x25 Mt.
Altitude: 300 mt above sea level
Radio Frequency: 130.00 MHz
Landing: 22 at pilot’s discretion
Take-off: 04 at pilot’s discretion
Airport Authority: Ancona - Pescara
Activities: Private General Aviation, Aviotourism,
and VDS/AG Flight School
Fuel services: Unleaded – max: 100 liters
Service: On-field facilities for minor repairs
Hangarage: 256 mq, 6/8 planes
Landing Fees: NO
Personnel on Field: Saturday/Sunday (available upon
request Monday to Friday)
Technical information
AIRSTRIP 04 - landing on the 04 pay attention to the hill at the end
of the airstrip, so we recommend the use of this airstrip in this
direction only to expert pilots with suitable planes; no restrictions
for the reattached. In the vicinity of the runway, all high-tension
power lines have been run underground.
AIRSTRIP 22 – Landing on the 22 we suggest to turn right because of
the presence of 1,5 mt long stream banks. To the right of the runway
is a well-marked taxiway leading to the parking area. Pilots should
be aware of the drainage ditches bordering the strip, just beyond
the boundary markers.
Markers, wind-socks, and visual heads for navigation.
Flight and aeronautical reconnaissance, aviotourism activities, cultural,
sports, and educational activities related to aviation, National Civil
Protection flight activities.
Voc. Spaglioni
Fraz. Bonsciano 06012
Città di Castello (PG)
+39-339-2503451P.Iva: 02502900547
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